PCDS Webinar December 2021


PCDS Webinar December 2021

On December 7, 2021, the PCDS Initiative presented its latest update on the scaling-up of the Product Circularity Data Sheet and related progress. Please refer to the below presentation for further details.

Open Presentation
PCDS Webinar March 29 2021


PCDS Webinar March 29 2021

On March 29, 2021, the PCDS initiative will present its latest achievements and progress on the on-going pilot projects. The below link will allow you to vision the recording of this webinar.

Watch the video of the meeting
Circularity Showcase: The Product Circularity Data Sheet (PCDS)

14:55 - 15:55 (CET)

Circularity Showcase: The Product Circularity Data Sheet (PCDS)

Major actors from the Circularity Dataset Initiative will present the latest development of this innovative tool and their own experience with its deployment on the field.

Review the webinar
Cobuilder Webinar


Cobuilder Webinar

Presentation and discussion of the PCDS duirng the Cobuilder webinar: “Quand la donnée normalisée devient un maillon incontournable de la construction circulaire“

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ArcelorMittal releases first PCDS

The leading steel and mining company ArcelorMittal today released the first Circular Economy standardized fingerprint for products in the steel and mining industry, using the Product Circularity Data Sheet (PCDS).

ArcelorMittal chose its best-selling iQ⁺ System® range to pilot the PCDS. For the first time, users of steel sandwich products have a clear and easy-to-use dataset showing circular attributes like design for disassembly, recyclability, recycled content, and design for circular use.

Follow the below link to access the detailed file.

Open ArcelorMittal PCDS

EU Connect University

The Product Circularity Data Sheet was introduced during the presentation of Jérôme Petry titled : “Creating a digital circular fingerprint for products” held on June 28, 2021, at the Digital for circular economy & zero pollution event of the European Connect University 2021. The full sessions lasts 2 hours. Skip to minute 57 of the below video to go directly to Jérôme’s intervention.

Watch the session

Madaster Blog

Madaster recently published a deep dive blog about the PCDS Initiative titled creating a digitial circularity fingerprint for products. Jérôme Petry and Thibaut Wautelet are giving their take on the PCDS, explaining how it perfectly fits into the objectives of Madaster. Follow the below link in order to read the full blog.

Read the article

ISO59040: call for experts

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is about to start drafting the future international standard ISO 59040 “Product Circularity Data Sheet” (PCDS), through its technical committee ISO/TC 323 “Circular Economy”. A new ISO/TC 323/WG 5 working group, led by Mr. Jérôme Petry (Ministry of the Economy), has recently been created to develop this project. In this context, a call is launched to any expert who would like to get involved in the development process of this international standard.

Initiated by the Ministry of Economy, and with the support of major industry players at the international level, the PCSD aims to enable the communication of data on product circularity in an environment of trust. The future international standard will provide a methodology and format for communicating and exchanging information on circular economy aspects of products along the supply chain, while providing a framework for verifying the reliability of the data transmitted.

Would you like to contribute to the project and share your experience in the field of circular economy? ISO/TC 323/WG 5 will organize its first (virtual) international meeting in July 2021, to provide more detailed information on the work done so far.

Any national expert interested in participating in the working group and in the development process of this new standard can now apply for registration at his national standardization body.

Register at ILNAS for luxembourgish experts