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PCDS Webinar December 2021


PCDS Webinar December 2021

On December 7, 2021, the PCDS Initiative presented its latest update on the scaling-up of the Product Circularity Data Sheet and related progress. Please refer to the below presentation for further details.

Open Presentation
PCDS Webinar March 29 2021


PCDS Webinar March 29 2021

On March 29, 2021, the PCDS initiative will present its latest achievements and progress on the on-going pilot projects. The below link will allow you to vision the recording of this webinar.

Watch the video of the meeting
Circularity Showcase: The Product Circularity Data Sheet (PCDS)

14:55 - 15:55 (CET)

Circularity Showcase: The Product Circularity Data Sheet (PCDS)

Major actors from the Circularity Dataset Initiative will present the latest development of this innovative tool and their own experience with its deployment on the field.

Review the webinar
Cobuilder Webinar


Cobuilder Webinar

Presentation and discussion of the PCDS duirng the Cobuilder webinar: “Quand la donnée normalisée devient un maillon incontournable de la construction circulaire“

Digital Supply Chains in Built Environment (DSCiBE) Workshop


Digital Supply Chains in Built Environment (DSCiBE) Workshop

The DSCiBE is an international working group launched by BuildingSMART International, GS1, Cobuilder and IBM. The aim is to bring together major industry stakeholders which are involved in the Supply Chain of the Built Environment and jointly develop processes for the digital exchange of all kinds of data and information, based on existing global standards.

Panel discussion at the 2020 SPLC Summit


Panel discussion at the 2020 SPLC Summit

Together with UL and the C2C Product Innovation Institute, +ImpaKT provided a practical orientation on leading best practice standards that are currently being used by purchasers in their day-to-day work that provide understanding and validation of circularity in credible and meaningful ways.

Matinale de l’Économie Circulaire


Matinale de l’Économie Circulaire

Regular conference-discussion organized by Deloitte and ESCP which brings together circular business practitioners and academics

Physical Meeting 2019


Physical Meeting 2019

On December 9, 2019, more than 30 active participants joined the first physical meeting of the Circularity Dataset Initiative to pave the way to the first draft of the Product Circularity Data Sheet (PCDS) at the premises of the Ministry of the Economy in Luxembourg. The agenda of the day was composed of a plenary session and different workshops ending in a forward looking statement to continuing fruitful collaboration.

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